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ScaleYOUComprises eight workshop modules that present practical solutions for prioritizing what’s important, organizing, planning efficiently and getting the things that matter done.

The mission of the Scale YOU – Personal efficiency and effectiveness program is to support and challenge your employees – all with diverse goals, stations in life, cultures, expectations and challenges, in designing and bringing to fruition unique plans aimed to navigate a successful and collaborative educational experience at your organization albeit without all the stress that often ensues. Upon graduating, the knowledge, tools and experience you will have gained will be an invaluable asset for your future professional career.

Emphasis is placed on providing practical tools and methods aimed at supporting individual needs, and in so doing, this course is hands-on and requires participants to engage and collaborate with each other in real-time during each module/workshop.

Each module comprises:

    1. 70-minutes discussion/workshop
    1. 40-minute follow-up group coaching/debriefing one week later.


First and foremost, this course will help you navigate the MBA program most efficiently, not wasting time, energy, and other resources.

One part, effectiveness, is dedicated to identifying your big rocks or principle-based goals and constantly understanding what matters most in any given circumstance in order to reach your goals.

Once you have that – the other part, efficiency, is about optimizing the path by removing waste and ensuring each step. Both parts are needed in balanced portions because efficiency without effectiveness is like winning the battle but losing the war.

While each module is valuable and complete on its own accord, together they harmonize to create a synergy in which the sum of the modules is greater than the individual modules alone.

Learning Outcomes

In this program, you will learn that we regularly dilute our ability to achieve our dreams and aspirations in two closely associated domains: we get confused on the things that matter most in getting us to our meaningful destinies and we get lost on the way to efficiently achieve what we have identified as the steps in getting there. This program offers insights about both – how to identify and focus on the big rocks that are most important to get to your destination; and once you’ve defined those stepping stones, it offers advanced kinds of best practices that enable you to achieve those goals as efficiently as possible.

Combining effectiveness with efficiency in the right balance Scales YOU. It increases your capability and capacity to do more. Do more for your personal life, for school, work, and have more resources available to achieve the things you desire – transforming success to significance, that is achieving things that are deeply meaningful and create personal fulfillment.

Developing the right habits is fundamental to attaining the skill sets and best practices Scale YOU promotes; and therefore, a portion of the learning will be spent on understanding how to attain good habits and how to eliminate those habits that prevent us from reaching our potential.

Each participant will create a dashboard comprising an array of dials, the functions of which will be to give a baseline and personal goal ranges for you to commit to. You will be given a selection of example competence areas including, but not limited to: prioritization, decision-making, execution, health, social skills and collaboration, and job-search at the beginning of the course. With each passing module, you will monitor and reflect on their progress, adjusting your priorities and focus areas in order for you to reach your goals.

Each participant will come away with new tools and methods for designing their future endeavors. They will also gain confidence in their ability and veritable need to work by design rather than by default in to lead happier, healthier participant and professional lives.


The key competences we will cover include: prioritization, focus-ability, handling of day-to-day activities, habit development, collaboration skills, change management, health management including stress management and renewal.

How to begin

The content of the course is derived from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and the literature from a collection of contemporary thought leaders including David Allen, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Greg McKeown, Tim Ferriss, Jim Benson, Patrick Lencioni, and Daniel Goleman to name a few.

Each module introduces one of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits as a vehicle for extolling the principles of effectiveness as the centerpiece of the initial 45-minute discussion. The break-out session, immediately following the discussion session, introduces complementary methods, techniques and tools that combine efficiency and effectiveness, providing a bridge for incorporating the learning into day-to-day participant/professional life. It is in the break-out session that the participants will collaborate with each other on assimilating the new habits, tools, techniques and methods in a hands-on manner.

Course Outline

Personal Efficiency and Effectiveness

Purpose: 1. Dial-in the curriculum roadmap, specifically high-level module design, target outcomes and pre-work requirements.

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Theme 1

Habit 1 – Be Proactive

Purpose: Reveal the power of proactivity and our unique ability to make choices independent of circumstances, conditions or conditioning.

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Theme 2

Establish Your Position and Heading

Purpose: To define your goals and objectives for the MBA program and for yourself personally and professionally, and to determine your starting point.

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1. To choose from a variety of examples of personal and professional metrics enabling you to establish what your “now” looks like, to have a baseline to compare with in the future.

2. To set SMART goals regarding school, work and your personal life, for the next 12 months.

Break-out Project: Create Your Dashboard And Make S.M.A.R.T Commitments


1. To accept your responsibility of having endowments that enable you to make choices. of commitments

2. To determine a personal baseline and S.M.A.R.T. goals that you will commit to

3. To share those commitments with team members.

4. To regularly document your progress.


Part 1. 15 min.

You will also be given some vignettes of participants who describe the challenges that they overcame through applying the principles and techniques that this course offers. Without yet knowing how to solve them, write your own vignette foreseeing the future and explaining the challenges that you overcame.

Part 2. 20 min.

Using Xmind, you will create a mind map of the major areas of competence in which you wish to improve, how you wish to measure them, where you are now, how you will know when you’ve reached your goals.

Part 3. 25 min.

On an A3 size template, create a personalized dashboard comprising an array of dials, the functions of which will be to give a baseline and personal goal ranges to commit to. You will revisit this dashboard with each passing module.

Module 3

Theme 1

Habit 2 – Begin With The End In Mind

Purpose: To relay the guiding principle that all things are created twice; first mentally and second physically, and that a successful journey towards a meaningful life requires a clear vision of our destination and an unambiguous understanding of why we are headed in that direction.

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Theme 2

Prioritize people and things that bring real value

Purpose: To reveal the narrow path upon which real value and personal fulfilment are encountered by illuminating key concepts in productive decision-making frameworks.

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Theme 1

Habit 3 – Put First Things First

Purpose: To discuss skills and tools needed for effective self-management through organization and execution around priorities and development of good habits.

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Theme 2

Architect Your Time Usage

Purpose: To generate the acknowledgement that we are on this Earth for only a brief moment, so it behooves us to design our time-usage with deliberateness.

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Module 5

Theme 1

Standardize and Systemize

Purpose: To inspire a commitment to standardizing and automating tasks to reduce defects and accelerate performance with the least amount of effort over time.

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Theme 2

Focus With Meaningful Engagement And Get Things Done

Purpose: To encourage a commitment to a consistent narrowly focused work regimen by reducing shotgun-style multi-tasking in favor of fully completing tasks that add immediate lasting value.

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Theme 1

Habit 4 – Think Win/Win

Purpose: Relay the key to interpersonal communication by first promoting empathic listening, and then second, by effective presenting of ideas in a clear, specific, visual and contextual way.

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Theme 2

Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood

Purpose: To relay the key to interpersonal communication by first promoting empathic listening, and then second, by effectively presenting of ideas in a clear, specific, visual and contextual way.

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Theme 1

Habit 6 – Synergize

Purpose: To examine the concept that through trust, risk, and openness, we can gather together a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Objectives: To consider the importance of creating synergies and how they relate to your work and personal life.

Theme 2

Pause To Reflect And Redirect

Purpose: To engender habitual reflection and advocate redirection of resources to maintain the dedication of putting all our wood behind one arrow.

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Theme 1

Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw

Purpose: To promote continuous and balanced renewal of our essential needs and the recharging of our batteries through an upwards spiral of learning, committing and doing.[/vc_column_text]

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1. To consider the various roles we play and commit to improving ourselves in a balanced and proactive manner.

2. To compare notes on how we can systemize the process of continuous improvement in our lives.

Theme 2

Enjoy The Fruits Of Your Labor

Purpose: To exchange views on why it is important to nourish a healthy attitude towards rewarding oneself, not just at the end, but consistently throughout the entire journey.

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Additional Information


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Each module comprises:

    1.  70-minutes discussion/workshop
    1.  40-minute follow-up group coaching/debriefing one week later.

Each module has a practical project to be completed at its center to give the participants a clear goal to achieve.

The key learning comes from insights from actual experience in the break-out sessions.

The coaching/debrief serves to ensure that the material is being incorporated into their daily routines.

It should be emphasized that this course focuses on habit-building as a fundamental element in the attainment of best practices.  A substantial portion of the success of this course will depend on the participants’ willingness to consistently apply what is learned in the modules to their work.  Cramming might work for a chemistry exam, but forming habits requires regular commitment to have any value.

Journaling and responding to surveys will be used to monitor and pin-point the participants who require extra help.


You will be required to download software for this course.  All software is available for both Mac and PC and iPhone and Android unless noted.  In most cases, the software will be free or discounted.

PCs and iPhones will be used in the demonstrations.


You will be required to bring laptops to each session.  Having multiple devices will enrich your ability to choose the right device for each task.


Mandatory reading

    • Covey, Stephen, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. New York: Free Press, 1989.


Suggested reading


    • Allen, David, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. New York: Penguin Books, 2001.
    • Barry, Tonianne, Demaria, Benson, Jim, Personal Kanban: Mapping Work, Navigating Life. Seattle: Modus Cooper andi Press, 2011.
    • Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1990.
    • Drucker, Peter, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
    • Duhigg, Charles, The Power of Habit. New York: Random House, 2012.
    • James, Muriel and Jongeward, Dorothy, Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments: Addision-Wesley Pub., 1971.
    • Goleman, Daniel, Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. New York: Harper, 2013.
    • Holden, Catherine, The Drama Triangle (Transactional Analysis in Bite Sized Chunks Book 2), 2013.
    • Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.
    • Lencioni, Patrick, The Ideal Team Player:  How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues. New Jersey: Jessey-Bass, 2016.
    • Lencioni, Patrick, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. New Jersey: Jessey-Bass, 2002.
    • McKeown, Greg, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. New York: Crown Business, 2014.
    • Sayer, Natalie J., Williams, Bruce, Lean for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007.
    • Walker, Matthew, Why We Sleep. New York: Scribner, 2017.

More suggested reading

    • Atul, Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2010
    • Berne, Eric, Games People Play: The Psychology of human Relationships. London: Andre Deutch Ltd., 1968.
    • Bradshaw, John On the Family: A Revolutionary Way of Self Discovery. Florida: Health Communications, 1988.
    • Fowler, Susan, Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work…and What Does. San Francisco: Berrett- Koehler, 2014.
    • Harris, Thomas A., I’m OK- Your’e OK. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
    • Hay, Julie, Transactional Analysis for Trainers. Hertford: Sherwood Publishing, 1996.
    • Holiday, Ryan, Ego is the Enemy: The Flight to Master Our Greatest Opponent. London: Profile Books, 2016

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